Monday, 25 July 2011

Stateside security

My friend over at is currently touring the Rockies in search of burgers. I'm pleased to say that he's found himself getting into the toilet lock phenomenon. Or should I say restroom, bathroom, conveniences yadayada - take your (lock) pick.

I'm honoured to have received these pictures from Rocky Burger Run and am excited that we now have an American correspondent. I guess it's only a matter of time before this phenomenon goes truly global.

As the title of his email stated, these can be filed in the 'is it or isn't it' category. These are some fine examples of American locksmithism, it's just a shame they haven't answered that all important question - is this lock actually locked?


  1. What? no ratings?

  2. @mark-dixon909. Feel free to do a guest rating. Use the following scoring mechanism:

    Lockability (out of 5)
    Securibility (out of 5)
    Lookability (out of 5)
